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DIY Jewelry Organization

I love my jewelry and use it as art on my wall.  It helps me to remember what I have and makes getting dressed easier and quicker.  Here is how I organize and hold my Earrings, Necklaces, and Brooches.

Earring Holder
A few years ago, while visiting my sister, I noticed her earring holder.  She said she bought it from "a girl who make them."  A few months later, I was needing birthday gifts for some girlfriends so I tried to remember what I saw at my sister's house and re-created it.

window screening from the hardware store - it comes in big rolls but you only need a little
dowel rod
4 wooden dowel rod balls
hot glue

First, cut your dowel rod into 2 12 inch pieces, then take your dowel rods and balls and paint them whatever color you like.  I spray painted mine silver.  Then you need to cut your screening (use big scissors) to 12 inches by 18 inches.  On the 12 inch side, fold down about 1 inch and glue down with the hot glue.  Do the same thing on the bottom.  Then slide the dowel through and attach the wood balls to the end of the dowels

Back side, fold over, glue, stick dowel through pocket.
Flip it back over and glue ribbon on the front to hide the glue seams.  Tie a ribbon on both ends at the top to hang.  Earrings slide in and you can attach hoop earrings on the sides.

Necklace Holder
At first I was just putting cup hooks in the wall but this was making a bunch of holes and hubby wasn't very happy with me.  So, I would have several necklaces on one hook and it was hard to find the right one or they would get tangled.  So, I needed a better solution.

Cup hooks in the wall.
cup hooks

I went to the local home improvement store and bought a piece of cheap but interesting molding already primed.  I measured my wall and decided on my size.  I cut my molding into a 12 inch piece.  (I actually made 4 at one time.)  Then, I painted my molding silver.  Once that was dry, I used a ruler to make evenly spaced marks across the board.  I just used a groove in the molding to keep the spacing from top to bottom.  Then I took my drill and made a pilot hole at each mark.  Then I twisted my cup hooks in.  Last thing, I drilled pilot holes to mount the holder with screws and then screwed it into the wall.  Yeah, I have 2 holes in the wall but that sure is better than 11.
My middle cup hook is missing because I made 4 of these at a time and my bag of cup hooks only had 40 so it's back to the store I go.
Now, to store my fancy pins and brooches I use a cute little "what not" shelf with a glass door.


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